Welcome to

British Maternity Nurses

We are a large group of qualified and experienced maternity Nurses based around the UK.
We decided to put together our group to enable us to have direct access to potential roles and
for parents to benefit from that without the need of an agency.

How It Works

1. Complete the 'post an ad form'

Fill all fields clearly with the correct information and complete your payment at the end of the form.

2. Make a small payment and voila!

We receive the ad immediately and it is posted to our private group. Depending upon when the ad was placed you should receive interest by close of day by either email, phone call or WhatsApp (whichever is preferred) from Maternity Nurses interested in your position.

Contact Us


Let us know via email and your ad will be taken down.

Follow due diligence as per any hired help. Check references, ID, Proof of address, Certificates etc..

This very much depends upon location and experience. I would expect to pay a minimum of £320 per day. MN’s are self employed and pay their own tax. Ultimately please discuss with your MN.

We are pretty confident that you will!

Join our group